Joyful woman in woodland.

Over the last 20 years I have developed a deep belief in the healing nature of relationship

To support this, I create safe therapeutic spaces that can become brave spaces, as trust grows

I do not underestimate the courage it can take to step into a therapeutic relationship. My aim is to be closely alongside you in all you explore

Fallen tree trunk in a bluebell wood.

To work at effective and deeper levels with you, I believe I need to be attending to my own depths. I have a daily meditation and writing practice and am part of professional and peer relationships to support my growing edges.

I continue to long for and dig deep to live an authentic life and to live from that which is true for me. I regularly touch in on points of inspiration in nature and the arts; I’m inspired by the teachings of the Buddha and am training towards ordination. 


Close up of a pale yellow lily like flower.

My childhood path was at times stony and I hold compassion for these younger experiences and the various strategies I put in place to manage.  Kindness has become a conscious practice and kindness informs my way of being in relationship.

If you invite me to accompany you through counselling, supervision or within workshops, I will bring the qualities of kindness, authenticity and compassion.  Positive feedback I have received and can recognize in myself: I listen deeply, offer gentle challenges, I can be playful and have

a strong ethical practice.